Daily Devotional Faith Grace His Voice Daily Devotional Holy Spirit prayer

He is a Generous Giver


If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (NIV)

Many times, the boldness to ask God for the things we need is sponsored by a good and firm understanding of his generosity. Jesus need not lie to us. We know that he is God in the flesh, who speaks nothing but the truth only. When he commands that we should ask, then, it is of a truth that God is eager to give. No wonder he makes the contrast between God as the heavenly father, and our earthly parents. Who, despite their frailty, will not give their children evil gifts. How much more is the generous God, who gave his only son for us.

God finds no fault when he gives. Which means that it will be totally wrong for you to think that there is a measure, standard or yardstick you need to attain for God to find you qualified for any good thing you need. He doesn’t hold you to any fault, neither does he hold your past or present misdeed against you. He gives because he is a giver. Therefore, you should ask him with the expectation to receive it in the name of Jesus.

In the same manner that we have learnt the power in the name of Jesus, backed up with the workings of the Holy Spirit, to perform signs, wonders and bring about salvation; is the same level that you can approach God, for all that you need. James 1:17 says:

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” NIV

God has a stable attitude with his gifts and generosity. He doesn’t change like shifting shadow. Which means that his words aren’t fickle or occasional. He says what he means, and he means what he has said or written. Everything that is good comes from him. Therefore, your life shouldn’t lack any good things. Don’t hinder yourself from asking to receive good gifts from him.

In the name of Jesus, you can approach the Father, who is committed to honour requests in his name. Ask in faith, nothing wavering. Ask with no intention to work it out yourself. Ask with full assurance of faith. Ask with the understanding that your needs are part of his good plans for you. Don’t stop asking in Jesus’ name and be more committed to preaching and teaching the gospel in his name. God acknowledges both and takes care of his own.


Thank you, Father, for being a generous giver. You give good and pleasant gifts. My needs are important to you. Help me to be bold in asking with healthy expectation and to bear your name before men in Jesus’ name. Amen

Written by: Mopelola Oyeniran

By My Counsel

I am Daniel Olutola Oyeniran. A graduate of Economics and Education and masters in Educational Evaluation. A Research Consultant and Data Analyst. I have the vision to see a generation of young ones who have an irrevocable love for God and are walking in his will. Saddled with a genuine passion to see the male child understand his place and grow to God's definition and description of him. I live for Christ and his kingdom established on earth.

This blog is the space where the knowledge of God's will is dispensed in simplicity.

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