Daily Devotional Faith Grace His Voice Daily Devotional Holy Spirit prayer

Who is God XI


Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? KJV

For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. Isaiah 66:2 KJV

God is the Lord of heaven and earth. The one who lives not in building fashion by human hands but acknowledge the man who worship him by his attention to His word in his heart. God rests in the heart of anyone who make the word of God his Lord. Such is recognised by God as one who possess a contrite spirit to tremble at his word.

Many times we miss God’s description of a man. The best of God is the best of a man who seek him via understanding in his word. What was God’s testimony of Abraham? His belief regarding his word. Abraham believed God. The man who matters to God is the one who receives, acknowledge, adore, act and coordinate his life by God’s word.

Abraham did not just believed God; God gave the testimony that He will command and teach his children to know and serve him. God knew Abraham that much through the sincerity of his heart.

What will God testify about you? Can God trust you to command your children after him? Can he commit to your hands the destiny of your children knowing that in time to come, they will turn out to be men who will stand for righteousness?

Your heart is important to God. Very important! Do not deny God whose reign is over the heaven and earth, the joy of having a man who will do nothing except the word of God says so. Be unashamed about God’s word. Your life will count when you live with integrity towards God’s word.


Thank you, Father. Help me to walk in your will, enable me to do your bidding, strengthen my heart on your path. To you, who make the heaven and earth and had choose to rest in the heart of men, do I declare that my heart is available as a perpetual sacrifice to respond to the truth of your word in Jesus’ name. Amen

Written by: Mopelola Oyeniran

By My Counsel

I am Daniel Olutola Oyeniran. A graduate of Economics and Education and masters in Educational Evaluation. A Research Consultant and Data Analyst. I have the vision to see a generation of young ones who have an irrevocable love for God and are walking in his will. Saddled with a genuine passion to see the male child understand his place and grow to God's definition and description of him. I live for Christ and his kingdom established on earth.

This blog is the space where the knowledge of God's will is dispensed in simplicity.

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